Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Support The National Criminal Justice Act of 2009!

Hello to everyone reading these words :)

There are so many changes going on in our world right now, and many of them seem depressing. While I know this is a challenging period of time we are going through, I deeply believe we will over come these obstacles. Things are moving faster and faster. New events and information presents itself so quick that I have to limit what I put up on my myspace or else I would be blogging incredible articles every hour! So lately I have been attempting to focus on one particular item at a time, which as you can see from my blogs have pertained to the legalization of cannabis. I am completely confident that legalizing cannabis would greatly help our economy in so many ways, but i wont go into that now.

Todays blog came from Norml but its not about smoking. The links are active, so you just have to click on them to go to the pages they are talking about. You'll see what I mean in a moment.I understand there are many things going on in your life and I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs. Thank you. You mean a lot to me and I love you! :)

I have exciting information I will be posting up here soon about December 21, 2012. I have to ask permission from the web site before I post the transcripts, but hopefully I will be allowed to post it. If anyone has read anything from Gregg Braden, you will be very excited to know it is a phone interview with him discussing 2012 and cycles. I cant express to you how wonderful the interview was. I also have some wonderful web sites to share about the reality of money, and more importantly some on speading peace and love to our family here on planet earth. These are the types of sites that make me feel good knowing there are such caring souls here with us on this walk through life. I will post all that at a later time. But for now, here is some action we can take to help make a difference in our world:


Support The National Criminal Justice Act of 2009!

Congressmen Jim Webb (D-VA) and Arlen Specter (R-PA), along with fifteen co-sponsors, have introduced legislation in the US Senate to critically evaluate America's drugs and prisons policies. The bill, Senate Bill 714, the National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009, is now before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

As introduced, the proposal would establish a blue-ribbon commission to "undertake a comprehensive review of the criminal justice system; make findings related to current Federal and State criminal justice policies and practices; and make reform recommendations for the President, Congress, and State governments to improve public safety, cost-effectiveness, overall prison administration, and fairness in the implementation of the Nation's criminal justice system."

Specifically, the Commission will examine "current drug policy and its impact on incarceration, crime and violence, sentencing, and reentry programs, [including] an analysis of the general availability of drugs in our society, the impact and effectiveness of current policies on reducing that availability and on the incidence of crime, and in the case of criminal offenders, the availability of drug treatment programs before, during, and after incarceration."

Writing this past weekend in Parade Magazine, Sen. Webb stated: "Drug offenders, most of them passive users or minor dealers, are swamping our prisons. ... Justice statistics ... show that 47.5% of all the drug arrests in our country in 2007 were for marijuana offenses.""America's criminal justice system has deteriorated to the point that it is a national disgrace. Its irregularities and inequities cut against the notion that we are a society founded on fundamental fairness. ... It is incumbent on our national leadership to find a way to fix our prison system."

Senate Bill 714 seeks to re-evaluate America's multi-decade long 'do drugs, do time' mentality. Please take time today to urge your senator to support Senate Bill 714. If your senator sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, then it is especially important that he or she hears from you.

For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be e-mailed to your member of Congress when you visit here:


After you have written your senator, please take a moment to write or call Sen. Webb and thank him for raising this important issue.

You may contact him here.

Thank you for assisting NORML's federal law reform efforts. Sincerely, The NORML Team

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