Thursday, May 28, 2009

Struggling to Manifest You Desires?

Thank you guys at Manifesting Network~ They are awesome and usually have really interesting info.

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Adapted from the book, Good Money, The Energy Flow Advantage. (This book is no longer available for purchase, but is included for FREE_with the upcoming PushButton Manifesting program by Michael Campbell and Sean Collins.)

Struggling to manifest?
Here’s how to end the struggle
and start making miracles.

Do you use a television or stereo that has a remote control?

Aren’t those amazing? You aim a little 5-ounce piece of plastic across the room and press a little button and — BLIP — the sounds and sights of the whole world are right in front of you on the television set.

It’s kind of magical.

Now let me ask you something.

What would happen if you took the little door off the back of the remote control, and turned the battery around so that the little “+” and the little “-” are reversed, and THEN tried to turn on the television or stereo?

What would happen?

Right! Nothing!

How come? Because the battery doesn’t do any good when it’s in backwards! The positive (+) and negative (-) poles need to be lined up the right way.

The TV is still a working TV, and there is nothing wrong with the remote control - there is really nothing wrong with the battery either! - But having a backwards battery stops EVERYTHING from working.

But wait a second: what if you REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to turn the TV on with the remote control (even though the battery was in backwards), and THEN aimed the remote at the TV, would it work?


But what if you were a REALLY good person, and wrote a bunch of affirmations that you deserve to have the TV on, would it THEN work, even with the battery in backwards?


What if you asked a friend to try the remote control, somebody REALLY smart, or highly evolved, saintly, someone who REALLY deserved to have the TV on. Would it work for THEM?


Not until you fix the little battery that’s in backwards. NOTHING will work until the battery is turned around.

Well here is some news for you.

Your body is the SAME way!

Did you ever WANT to manifest a result, but couldn’t muster the “willpower” to make it happen?

Did you ever want to reduce your weight, but “something” sabotaged it?

Did you ever “mean to” get started with an investment program, but didn’t?

Did you ever “mean to” stop doing some habit, but then something stopped you and you had no idea what it was?

Ever have a feeling like you are running after a goal (a money goal or any other) with big bricks in your pocket?

Your “battery” is probably running backwards.

When your battery is running backwards, you don’t do what you need to do. You might KNOW in your head what needs doing, but then you don’t do it.

Or, mysteriously, the things that ought to work don’t work. (How come some people can “Feng Shui” their home and get miracles, and other people don’t? Why do some people find their “creative visualization” works REALLY well, while other people get zero results?)

When I say, “your battery is running backwards” I am referring to the flow of energy in your body. You might think I am using this as a metaphor, but actually there are flows of energy in your body.

Chinese medicine has this well mapped out in acupuncture. (Not just in China, either…ancient finds in Europe show evidence that the SAME flows of energy in the human body were mapped identically even EARLIER than in China!)

Your body is, if you think about it, really like a giant remote control device, aimed at the universe.

The channel you see (the world your senses perceive, in other words) will not change UNLESS you change the channel.

But you can’t change that channel until you turn your battery around.

Here’s one way to do exactly that…

WARNING: Do this process even if you think you don’t have to. (Especially if you think you don’t have to.) If your batteries are NOT running backwards and you don’t need this process, doing it won’t hurt you. On the other hand, if your batteries ARE running backwards, YOUR MIND WILL TRY TO TALK YOU OUT OF DOING THIS.

DO the process anyway.

If you have read other books on manifesting or prosperity-thinking, or bought audios or videos or CD-ROMs, attended “must-see” seminars or hired a personal success coach, and STILL don’t have the abundance you want, then your batteries are REALLY running backward, and you need to do this process.

Super Simple Technique:

Before We Begin: Identify ONE SPECIFIC thing that you feel blocked about. It’s okay and natural to have more than one. But just pick ONE for now. Let’s call this “X”

Step One: Find the following part of your hand. (Either hand will do.) It’s called The “Karate Chop” point because it’s approximately the place that you hit when you make a “karate chop” strike with your hand.

Spot to Tap

Step Two: Tap the karate chop point with two fingers from your other hand. (About as hard as you’d tap a salt shaker that has salt stuck inside and on the bottom.) Or, alternatively, bump the two karate chop points into each other, as if hitting one karate chop point with the other karate chop point.

Step Three: While tapping that point (or bumping both of those points together), say outloud, “Even though I want ____”X”_____, I now deeply and profoundly accept myself.”

Step Four: Do this a couple of times a day and/or just before doing ANY manifesting technique, such as visualization, affirmations or electric manifesting!

The following can be found here:

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